Well...there's one more item that strikes me as exceptionally important for this blog.
(compliments of The Pennsylvania State University)
The signs dotted around Penn State campus explain many details of the university's history, but there's one thing in particular that they don't say very much about: themselves. Who made them and set them up, and why? Well, if you look at some of the example signs here which I didn't devote whole posts to, you'll notice that the bottom of each sign says "Penn State Alumni Association". Mystery solved.
...no, I'm not ending the post there. That would be a little funny, but it wouldn't reach the word quota.
The Penn State Alumni Association is an organization of Penn State graduates dedicated to staying connected to the university and to each other, while preserving its history and legacy for future students. They began the historical marker project in the spring of 1990 with ten signs, in order to remind students, teachers, visitors, and random passersby of the rich history of Penn. The hope was that by installing these signs at locations where pedestrians might see and read them, they would be able to learn a little bit more about the university on whose campus they walked, and even if they ignored the actual words on the sign, the general idea of Penn State having an important legacy would be communicated at least.
To this day, the Penn State Alumni Association funds and maintains the sign project. As of 2011, the association reported that sixty signs had been put up on the University Park campus. The program has expanded to other Penn State campuses as well, with sixteen signs at nine locations outside of the main campus. In addition, the association occasionally puts up new signs as well. In fact, they are taking suggestions for new signs to write and put up, so if there is a particular historical location in Penn State which you think deserves this token of commemoration, you can read submission guidelines and find an e-mail address here.
So, have the signs accomplished their mission? It's hard to say. From the comments on this blog, it seems that many students are aware of the existence of the historical markers, but not nearly so many have actually taken the time to read through them and research the subjects on their own time. As far as educating random pedestrians, the signs have done little, at least for students in this section of CAS137H.
I do think that, while most viewers ignore the facts on the signs, the mere presence of the signs does have some effect on how people see Penn State. The simple fact that there are historical events to put up signs about, and that some people did take the time to put up those signs, instills a sense of accomplishment, that Penn State has done significant things to affect the world other than just eating up millions of tuition dollars. While this may not be a conscious thought upon looking at the signs, it is possible that people who notice the signs dotted around the campus come away with that feeling of being part of something important.
Even if there really is no significant effect for most people, I think that the effort put into the historical marker project shows that people really do care about Penn State's history, and perhaps the markers have brought other people to enjoy this legacy as well. And, if absolutely nothing else, these signs have given me something worth writing about for a few months, which in turn has hopefully given you something worth reading about.